redefining connections

Relationship & Dating Tips for the Married and Single

At Dateboon, we believe that the love is yours to make.

The 6-Step Universal Relationship Cycle

Journey through the 6 main stages of a relationships to fully understand what it takes to build love that will last for a lifetime.


1. Attraction

Discover how attraction works and builds the foundation for love.


2. Commitment

Learn how we select each other and commit to our partners.


3. Dating

Explore the immersive world of dating and all its challenges.


4. Attachment

Find out how an attachment can brew up from committed dating.


5. Discovery

Unravel all the mysteries, myths, and challenges in relationships.


6. Separation

Navigate through the toughest of stages – saying goodbye.

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Discover the Ins and Outs of Married Dating in The Modern World

Journey through the 6 main stages of a relationships to fully understand what it takes to build love that will last for a lifetime.